Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sunday Pool Party with Des and Vie!

As you may have caught me mentioning my recent dance show this past weekend, you know that consumed most of my week last week. Des and I were glad to have it done and over with. It was amazing, and so fun for me to get back out on that stage, but it was also very stressful with rehearsals and nerves, etc. so when it was over, we were relieved. Saturday's show was in the afternoon. Frank found a new fishing 15 year old nephew Jesse! They did that all morning Saturday while I hung at home with the kids. Des and Violet came over around noon and we decided to go to her house and let the kids run around in the pool a little bit since it was so hot out. They had a blast, but by the time we got there and they played for a few minutes, it was just about time for us to go, which was a big bummer for the kids! We promised them we would have a pool party Sunday though, and when Sunday came, we followed through on that promise!

Sunday came, and we lounged around in the morning, and then packed bathing suits and snacks and other necessities and went to Des's house. The kids jumped right in Vie's little pool and slid down the water slide over and over again. I even got in on that fun and went down the slide once or twice. Mason even got in the pool, even though the water was freezing! It felt sooo good though in the 90 degree weather! 

After we played in the pool and hung out for a while, we broke out the Slip and Slide! I had never been on a slip and slide before, and I never knew what I was missing! The kids were a little afraid of it at first, but they warmed up to it and ran over it a few times and when the sprinkler part of it was turned off, they did have a blast running up and down and sliding on it. 

Frank went on the slip and slide, and even helped Mason experience it. He cried a little at first (after he was done sliding) but then got up and crawled away and was happy as could be! :-)

It was am amazing, fun filled day and CHEAP! No gas money to travel hours away to commercial water parks that have nothing for the kids, or over crowded and expensive. And the best part, was spending time with special people. :-) I'll end this post with some pictures from our day!

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